Act!onHeat Webinar: How to finance sustainable solutions in district heating?

This session, organised by Act!onHeat partners, focused on the financing of heating and cooling projects in European cities. In the session, Luca Angelino - Project Adviser at the European Commission - discussed why the Act!onHeat project is timely, as it aligns with existing and renewed targets across the EU. He gave an overview of the current political landscape with regards to Local Green Deals and other policy and legislative changes, as well as briefly mentioning the geopolitical and climate crises, that make this project so important

Giulia Conforto - Senior Researcher at e-think - shared her expertise on how to finance local District Heating and Cooling projects from a European perspective, whereby she discussed the factors to consider, what different streams of financing are available, and how best to utilise and make the most of them.

Vlad Surdea-Hernea - Project Manager at eclareon - shared information on ESG project in Upper Austria as a case study, talking participants through the financial feasibility of the study.

ActionHeat webinar: How to finance sustainable solutions in district heating?

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How to finance sustainable solutions in district heating webinar

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.