Our partners
The Act!onHeat consortium brought together leading European experts in strategic H&C planning and policy analysis, various coalitions working to increase the speed of the transition, and specialists in capacity building as and investment support.
Fraunhofer ISI
The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI conducts applied research in seven Competence Centers with a total of 28 Business Units and sees itself as an independent institute for society, politics and industry. Its expertise in the area of innovation research is based on the synergy of the technical, economic and social science knowledge of our staff members. In its work they apply not only a broad spectrum of advanced scientific theories, models, methods and social-science measurement instruments, but continually develop them further, utilizing the empirical findings from the research projects conducted.
Fraunhofer is the coordinator of Act!onHeat and also leads work on the Act!onHeat Workflow and Support Facility.
e-think is a private non-profit research institution based in Vienna. Its aim is to advance research in the field of energy economics at its interface with environment and human society. Through technical, economic and environmental assessments e-think contributes to the transition towards sustainable energy systems. e-think’s activities encompass (i) research in interdisciplinary cooperation, (ii) implementation and (iii) communication of research results. e-think is a spin-off of the fellow Act!onHeat Partner 'Energy Economics Group of Vienna University of Technology' and, thus, practises strong cooperation in energy economics and modelling.
Think-E will support in the development of the heat plans / roadmaps in different regions across the EU.
CREARA is an engineering and consulting firm specializing in energy efficiency, renewable energy, greenhouse gases, energy management, electric vehicle charging points and gas and electricity energy markets, with a focus on the b2b customer. They have offices in Spain and Latin America. Creara has been operating in the energy sector for more than 15 years and is currently one of the reference companies in the field, having worked with several large companies and institutions such as the World Bank, the European Commission or many of the governments of Latin American countries.
CREARA leads Ac!onHeat's capacity building and impact evaluation.
CSE — Centre for Sustainable Energy -
CSE is an independent UK charity, that was initiated in 1979, striving for a world where sustainability is second nature, carbon emissions have been cut to safe levels and fuel poverty has been replaced by energy justice. CSE’s mission is to share knowledge and practical experience to empower people to change the way they think and act about energy. They fulfill their mission by giving advice, managing innovative energy projects, training and supporting others to act, and undertaking research and policy analysis.
In Act!onHeat, CSE leads the support for Local heating and cooling pre-feasibility studies development.
TU Wien
TU Wien, Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences, is represented in the project by its Energy Economics Group (EEG) from within the Institute of Energy Systems and Electric Drives. EEG has managed and carried out numerous national as well as international research projects funded by the European Commission, national governments, public and private clients in several fields of research, with special focus on renewable and new energy systems.
In Act!onHeat, TU Wien co-lead the development of the heat plans / roadmaps in different regions across the EU through Hotmaps.
eclareon is an independent, internationally operating consulting firm focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate policy. The multilingual team of eclareon excels in examining political, economic, financial and legal frameworks at European and global levels for public and private clients including the European Commission, national ministries, energy agencies and private institutions.
In Act!onHeat project, eclareon will mainly lead the preparation of financial pre-feasibility studies and the evaluation of Support Facility activities and provision of “best practice” case studies.
ICLEI Europe
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, they influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Its Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.
In Act!onHeat, ICLEI Europe will lead the work on the Act!onHeat Ambassadors Community and the associated capacity building, dissemination and leveraging synergies
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.