Heating and cooling (H&C) accounts for about half of Europe’s total energy needs, with 75% still dependent on fossil fuels. Thus, rapid and significant change is needed to reach the EU 2050 goals. Due to the local nature of H&C systems, action has to be taken at the local level, involving a variety of stakeholders. However, as strategic H&C planning requires extensive know-how, resources and experience, it is still in its infancy in most countries. This is where the Act!onHeat Support Facility came in.
The Act!onHeat Support Facility aimed to boost the optimisation of thermal systems by implementing an accelerated number of district H&C projects across Europe, enabling local authorities, utilities and industries to reach their decarbonisation goals. For this purpose, the Support Facility was open to all local and regional governments, energy agencies, and city planners interested in receiving strategical support to establish or improve their H&C infrastructure.
The Act!onHeat Support Facility offered participation and direct support for three different sets of support modules:
- The modules on 'H&C transition strategy development' relate to general strategic heating and cooling planning.
- The modules on 'Project Feasibility' relate to Project Feasibility Studies.
- ‘Financial Studies’.
How did the Support Facility help?
Get a better understanding on how the Support Facility provided municipalities with tools and assistance to start, complete or improve upon their district heating and cooling planning via our tutorial videos below.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.