Our Ambassadors
The Act!onHeat Ambassador Community was a group of eminent members that recognised the importance of accelerating strategic heating and cooling planning and implementation across Europe. The Ambassador Community was one essential step in reaching this goal by supporting the Act!onHeat project in spreading the word to at least 120 municipalities and impacting as many stakeholders as possible.
Dornier Power and Heat GmbH
Founded in 1963, Dornier Power and Heat provides engineering, consulting and technical services for power and heat generation facilities, for transmission and distribution systems. The company is part of the Dornier Group and best known for combining its engineering know-how and operator experience. It works internationally, is engaged in preparing masterplans for sustainable district heating/cooling technologies, designing of innovative heat and cooling supply solutions and regulatory advice.
University of Galway
The prestigious history of the University of Galway spans almost two centuries. Their global network connects them to partners around the world, and their their researchers are shaping the future. One of their research areas focuses on sustainable development, which encompasses energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is a university of technology and develops practical application oriented solutions for the major global issues and transformation processes of the future with scientific competence. They are aware of our special responsibility when it comes to forward-looking and sustainable progress in our region. Interdisciplinary clusters and close collaborations with their partners from the business and science communities have promoted the emergence of a highly focused profile, international liaison and successful projects to overcome these challenges.
EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council, is a non-profit international organisation founded in 1998 to promote the European geothermal industry and enable its development both in Europe and worldwide, by shaping policy, improving business condition, and driving more research and development.
Euroheat & Power
Euroheat & Power (EHP) is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond. We are a non-for-profit association headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, which unites the district energy sector. Our members come from over thirty countries around the globe and include national district heating and cooling associations, utilities operating district energy systems, industrial associations and companies, manufacturers, universities, research institutes and consultancies active in the sector.
CEE Bankwatch Network
The CEE Bankwatch envisions an environmentally, socially and economically just world, built on solidarity, participation and respect for ecological limits. People enjoy fulfilling lives and are aware of and responsible for the consequences of their actions. They are the largest network of grassroots, environmental and human rights groups in central and eastern Europe. Bankwatch monitors public finance institutions that are responsible for hundreds of billions of investments across the globe. The banks and funds we watch are often obscure but always important entities that function outside public scrutiny.
Innovative Energy
Innovative Energy is a team of freelance energy specialists working on low-temperature district heating projects, energy efficiency studies, and audits mainly for municipalities and companies but also for NGOs. Our mission is to show that district heating, renewable energy, and energy efficiency go hand in hand. We just need proper municipal heat planning.
ENERGY CONSULT has a goal to establish a circular economic that elevates heat transfer products to the highest performance with the least effort and biggest saving for you. ENERGY CONSULT has developed a new concept, where spares are rented and used spares bought back, checked and refurbished to the benefit of everyone.
BWE Biomass Boilers (BWE) meets the market demand through development, design, construction and commissioning of high efficiency advanced utility and biomass steam boilers to the energy industry. Based on 30+ years of experience in biomass, the boilers represent the best-available-technology (BAT) in the market through proprietary designs, which include own boiler, grate and fuel feeding technology as well as deep knowledge of flue gas technology . The Business has a particular strong track-record and solution offering for utility companies, independent power producers (IPP) and industrial customers, primarily targeting the segment ranging from 50-160 MWth.
VVSG Kennisnetwerk
The VVSG is an advocate, knowledge sharer and network builder of and for local authorities. The trends in our annual report reflect how we fulfilled - and want to continue to fulfill - these roles. You will also find the key figures about our members and our operations. In addition, view the extensive overview of the political dossiers in which we were active in the past year.
Agencia Local Energía Murcia
The Local Agency for Energy and Climate Change is a public consortium whose objective is to encourage energy saving and energy efficiency, promote renewable energy and boost quality energy services to make Murcia an energetically sustainable city. The Agency works so that the city reaches, through consensus and participation, optimal levels in the use and management of local energy resources, and in the promotion of a demand for quality, rational and sustainable energy.
IEA SHC - IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme
IEA SHC — the International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme on Solar Heating and Cooling is a government-funded, multi-lateral collaboration platform advancing the research, development, and commercialization of solar heating and cooling solutions. The aim of our work is the practical use of sunlight for heating and cooling in buildings and neighborhoods, industry, and agriculture. Results from our over 70 projects are available on our website for free.
See IEA SHC - IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme's website
The Heinrich Böll Foundation
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a think tank for green visions and projects, being part of an international network encompassing well over 100 partner projects in approximately 60 countries. The Heinrich Böll Foundation maintains close ties to the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens), works independently and nurtures a spirit of intellectual openness.
Municipality of San Lucido
San Lucido is a town and comune in the province of Cosenza in the Calabria region of southern Italy with around 6,000 inhabitants.
Plejades Bulgaria GmbH
PLEJADES Bulgaria OOD is set up as a strategic consulting company, acting at the interface between technical and management consulting. For many years we work for national and international clients from industry, service and administration. The focus of our work at Sofia is economic and legal consultancy for the environmental sector, mining sector and energy, water and waste sector.
Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)
The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) is an internationally recognized energy-related research, development and innovation (R&D&I) competence center. LEI is a state technical research center dealing with energy related research in many different fields, including the development of energy planning methods.
Energia Calabria
Energia Calabria is a cultural association, open to public bodies, private bodies and individuals that aims to promote the rational use of energy and renewable energy sources in its various forms and applications. While making use of experts in the energy field at national level, the association operates in the CALABRIA region, placing the reduction of energy consumption in an eco-compatible manner, i.e. respecting nature and the environment.
The Catalan Land Institute, (Government of Catalonia), implements policies on urban-planning, housing and land-management. It collaborates with Town Halls to ensure land for general interest, hampering speculation and promoting citizens’ access to decent housing. It fosters economic activity, improving public facilities, services and spaces, preserving both natural and architectural heritage. Member of Sustainable Use of Land of the EU Urban Agenda, Forum of Regions and UCLG, among others.
Latvian Environmental Investment fund
The Mission of the Fund is to reduce environmental pollution, promoting the implementation of environmental protection projects and also to increase the capacity of municipalities and commercial organizations in preparation and carrying out of qualitative and effective projects from their idea to realization. The fund activities are directed to achieve the maximal improvement of environment, investing financial resources in implementation of environmental infrastructure development projects.
REScoop.eu is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. We are a growing network of 1.900 cooperatives operating across Europe and jointly represent over 1,25 million citizens. Through REScoop.eu, energy cooperatives wish to make their voices heard in the European energy debate.
HAWK is a German state University of Applied Sciences in Lower Saxony. The university combines six faculties in the three cities of Hildesheim, Holzminden and Göttingen. The working group “Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technology (NEUTec)” conducts research with a focus on municipal heat planning and district heating systems to find innovative solutions for a renewable heat supply.
An independent company, the MANERGY group has been operating for 40 years as an engineering and consulting firm in energy and environmental transition. At MANERGY, we want to do our part to make tomorrow's world better and more responsible. We want to contribute to the transformation of local areas, which are at the heart of the energy transition.
DBDH is Denmark’s leading district heating export organisation. DBDH’s mission is to promote district energy for a sustainable city transformation. We represent the leading actors of the district energy sector, and identify, inform and facilitate partnerships between our members and partners in more than 70 countries.
The Association of District Heating and Cooling Companies, "ADHAC", is an Association of Employers in the sector of heating and cooling networks for their use in urban environments. ADHAC was created with the aim of promoting and defending the image and prestige of the heating and cooling networks sector in Spain.
Danfoss engineers technologies that increase machine productivity, reduce emissions, lower energy consumption, and enable electrification. They are used in such areas as heating and cooling, district-energy infrastructure for cities, power conversion, motor control, industrial machinery, automotive, marine, and off- and on-highway equipment. Danfoss is family-owned, employing more than 40,000 people, serving customers in more than 100 countries through a global footprint of 95 factories.
HeatConsult is an international engineering consultancy company specialising in state-of-the-art designs for district heating (DH), district cooling (DC), and gas supply systems. Our experience spans residential, commercial, and industrial district designs in Europe and South America with more than 1000 successful engineering projects completed since 2011.
IEA DHC - the International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme on District Heating and Cooling - is the only international research funding programme on district heating and cooling (DHC). The Programme is helping to make DHC a powerful tool for energy conservation and the reduction of environmental impacts of supplying heat. More than 80 unique research reports on DHC are available on our website for free.
Applied Energy
Applied Energy are a consulting company spanning the sectors of Buildings/Water/Energy and bringing them all together under the common umbrella of Sustainability. Our special expertise is mapping and planning for the use of wastewater heat for heating/cooling buildings. We are one of the founders of wastewaterheat.online.
Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) - German Energy Agency
dena is a centre of excellence for the applied energy transition. As a think tank, we study the challenges of building a climate-neutral society and support public and private actors in achieving their energy policy objectives. dena is about to establish and operate the national Competence Centre for the Municipal Heat Transition (KWW). The aim of KWW is to strengthen municipal heat planning in Germany by supporting municipalities to adopt and implement heat planning.
See Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) - German Energy Agency's website
FH Münster – University of Applied Sciences
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences stands for one thing above all: a culture of quality! It is what defines everyday life at our university – in all processes of education, research, transfer and management, as well as support services.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.