11) Review, report and upscale
Step eleven takes place in parallel with step seven and the associated steps (8-10). The aim here is to regularly determine whether the measures are working, the funded projects are functioning, etc., and to initiate improvements based on this. If it is foreseeable that the strategic goals cannot be achieved, this step should also help to counteract this.
The monitoring process
For review and reporting, a monitoring process should be implemented within strategic H&C planning. Typical questions to be answered to define the process are listed below.
- What is to be monitored?
- Which indicators are used to measure the achievement of objectives?
- How are the indicators collected and analysed?
- ....
Time and format
- What time periods are used for monitoring?
- How will the monitoring be documented?
- ...
Responsibilities and consequences
Another important aspect is to define consequences resulting from the monitoring. Who decides whether objectives have been met or not? What are the consequences of not achieving the objectives, and who has the authority to take action to counteract this? For instance, it could be decided that monitoring reports are submitted to the mayor, who then initiates countermeasures in case of non-achievement.
Inspiration for monitoring
Trutkowski, C., Odzimek, W., Żarkowski, R. (2022): STRATEGIC MUNICIPAL PLANNING. Council of Europe. Centre of Expertise for Good Governance. Internet: https://rm.coe.int/smp-strategic-municipal-planning/16807470ea. The document provides various ideas for the conception of a strategic heating and cooling planning process within municipalities.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.