Support Module for H&C transition strategy development

The Act!onHeat assistance for heating and cooling planning is structured in different modules according to the Act!onHeat workflow. The modules presented on this page is for the Support Facility on 'H&C transition strategy development'. A separate set of support modules is available for 'Project Feasibility'.

These support modules on H&C transition strategy development focuses on:

In each of the modules, support activities are offered and feed into specific action points to be done in the development of a heat / cold transition strategy. Applicants can declare their interest in various action points within different modules and rate their status / level of experience. For each module that is selected, applicants will provide a short description of their main interest / need in the action point. The applicants will also state if they are interested in heating or cooling or in both.

There is no limit for how many action points applicants can declare an interest in. The exact number of action points and the related mix of support activities that will be provided to successful applicants is not fixed and will be discussed between applicants and the Act!onHeat team in the project definition phase. Within the Act!onHeat support facility, various support activities are foreseen for heat / cold transition strategy development.

The following list states examples of such support activities:

  • Introduction to the topic with background information
  • Organisation of guided exchange rounds, including best practice presentations and discussion of applicability for the supported applicants
  • Check of individual situation and guidance on how to best move forward
  • Compilation of missing data and individualization for further analysis
  • Assistance in setting up analysis frameworks and definition of next steps
  • Assistance in validation and interpretation of existing results and definition of way forward
  • Drafting of guiding documents for concrete steps forward that take into account individual situations
  • Drafting of text elements for tendering (part of) the activities

Below, the offered support activities are described for the different modules. The videos and descriptions present possible examples of support activities, which can be adjusted to the needs of the successful applicants. 


Heating and cooling transition strategy

Start strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning
Introduce H&C planning
Define concrete first steps on the To-Do List – what to do internally, what to tender
Develop a renovation strategy for the (local/regional) building stock
Introduce developing building stock renovation strategies
Plan the steps in the renovation strategy development process
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the development of a renovation strategy
Develop a heating and cooling strategy for the city / region
Introduce developing heating and cooling strategies
Plan the steps in the H&C strategy development process
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the development of a H&C strategy

Inventory and potentials

Develop a building stock and heating and cooling demand inventory
Introduce characteristics of building stock and processes in service and industry sectors relevant for heating and cooling planning
Compile available open source data relevant for setting up an inventory and discuss applicability in supported region
Show best practise examples of building stock and H&C inventories and discuss applicability in supported region
Define steps / roadmap to set up a building stock and H&C inventory
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the development of an inventory
Compile potentials of renewable energy to supply H&C demand
Introduce renewable resources for energetic use and specifically for H&C supply
Compile available open source data and discuss applicability in supported region
Show best practise examples of potential analysis for different renewable sources and discuss applicability in supported region
Allocate renewable potentials for the supply of heat / cold and other demands
Define steps / roadmap of more detailed analysis of potentials for selected renewable sources
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the potential analysis for selected renewable sources
Compile potentials for saving heat demand / avoiding cold demand in buildings
Introduce to building stock characteristics, archetypes, renovation measures and related costs
Roughly establish heat saving scenarios for the building stock based on available default data
Roughly quantify potentials for avoiding cooling demand in the building stock
Introduce methods for more detailed analysis of heat saving potentials and renovation strategy development and discuss applicability in supported region
Define steps / roadmap of more detailed analysis of heat saving potentials and renovation strategy development
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the renovation strategy development
Compile potentials for waste heat / set up a waste heat cadastre
Introduce analysing waste heat potentials
Identify relevant waste heat sources
Roughly estimate waste heat potential and characteristics in relevant sources
Introduce setting up a waste heat cadastre
Define steps / roadmap of more detailed waste heat potential analysis and cadastre development
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the waste heat potential analysis / cadastre development


Develop an analytical basis for defining zones for district heating and zones for individual supply
Introduce existing zoning approaches in the context of heating and cooling
Identify potential district heating zones based on user defined thresholds for heat demand and discussion of applicable threshold values for supported region
Identify potential district heating zones based on economic evaluation of heat distribution costs and discussion of applicability in supported region
Define steps / roadmap to derive analyses of potential district heating zones
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the development of district heating zoning analysis


Develop and assess scenarios for heating and cooling at local level
Introduce scenario development for heating and cooling
Show up-to-date scenarios of entire energy systems and resulting framing conditions at EU and national levels and discuss relevance for local scenario development
Compile available open source data on energy carrier prices, technology costs, and properties
Define potential scenarios to be developed and discuss game-changing parameters
Define steps / roadmap of scenario calculation and assessment
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the scenario calculation
Develop scenarios of future heat and cold demand
Introduce characteristics and inertia of system changes in the building stock
Compile available open source data on saving potentials and related costs
Define key assumptions for development of heat and cold demand
Develop rough estimates of scenarios for heat demand development and discuss applicability for supported area
Start setting up a calculation framework for heat / cold demand scenarios
Define steps / roadmap of deriving scenarios of future heat and cold demand for supported area
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the heat / cold demand scenario development
Develop scenarios for individual supply
Introduce characteristics of individual heat / cold supply systems for buildings
Compile available open source data on individual supply technologies and related costs and energy carrier prices
Define key assumptions
Develop rough estimates of scenarios for individual heat / col supply and discuss applicability for supported area
Start setting up a calculation framework for individual supply scenarios
Define steps / roadmap of deriving scenarios of individual heat and cold supply for supported area
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the individual supply scenario development
Develop scenarios for district heating / cooling
Introduce characteristics of district heat / cold systems – supply and distribution systems
Compile available open source data on district heating / cooling systems and related costs and energy carrier prices
Define key assumptions
Develop rough estimates of scenarios for district heating / cooling and discuss applicability for supported area
Start setting up a calculation framework for district heating / cooling supply and distribution scenarios
Define steps / roadmap of deriving scenarios of district heating and cooling for supported area
Draft text elements for tendering (part of) the district heating / cooling scenario development

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.