Act!onHeat Training Programme 2022: Session 2 Webinar
The second session of the Act!onHeat Training Programme focused on different approaches of effective data gathering from national and local sources in order to create a robust heat inventory for strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning and decision-making processes. Furthermore, the session showcased the use of the open access online tool called Hotmaps for identifying H&C demands and availability of renewable energy sources and excess heat potentials anywhere across the EU.
Certification can be offered on demand. This requires watching the first and second sessions, having participated in session 3, and completing a case study afterwards. Please find the short and advanced versions of the exercise below:
Missed the second session? Watch the full recording here. You can also find the presentations of all speakers below.
- Lukas Kranzl (TU Wien) on Analysis of heat/cold demands and renewable potentials with the free online tool Hotmaps
- Aadit Malla (TU Wien) on Acquisition of local and regional data for inventories and potentials - methods and best practice examples
The training programme is part of the EU-funded ActionHeat Project including partners from Fraunhofer ISI, e-think, Creara, CSE — Centre for Sustainable Energy, Technische Universität Wien, eclareon, and ICLEI Europe.
Learn more about the full Training Programme here.
Publication date:
Languages: English
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.