4. Practical case studies and examples

Heat & Cold in practice case study collection

This presentation covers practical cases of heat and cold network optimization. It includes an introduction, Support Facility results, Act!onHeat Workflow, several inspiring case studies  (Hessen, VEKA, SOL, MANU, REGEA, Zelzate, Blyth & Cramlington,  Vorarlberg, Poznań and  Sint-Niklaas), and final summary and outlook.

Heat & Cold in practice case study collection
Factsheets on municipalities assisted in heat planning

This report presents factsheets on municipalities assisted in strategic heat and cold planning. It details modules on heating/cooling transition strategy, inventory and potential analysis, zoning, and scenario development. It includes an introduction to the support activities, an overview of participants and their key data, group support through webinars, and individual support provided to municipalities LEA-Hessen, MANU, Gladbeck, SOL, El Vorarlberg, Berlin’s Senate and Limburg, with a focus on the impact of these efforts on local decarbonization strategies and heating/cooling network development.

Factsheets on municipalities assisted in heat planning
Financial pre-feasibility studies

This report examines financial studies conducted to assist municipalities in assessing funding options and the economic feasibility of heat decarbonization projects. The studies analyse the regulatory framework, funding landscape, economic viability, development of financing strategies, and governance model considerations, and present the conclusions drawn from the study.

Financial pre-feasibility studies

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.