Unlocking the Future of Heating and Cooling in Europe: Lessons learned from the Act!onHeat Training Programme

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The 2024 Act!onHeat Training Programme has recently drawn to a close. To address the pressing challenges in heating and cooling systems across Europe, the Act!onHeat training programme has been at the forefront, offering a series of enlightening webinars since 2022, with invaluable contributions from notable experts from across the sector. Let's take a look at the lessons learnt throughout the series, on heating and cooling strategies for a greener future.

2022: Setting the Stage

The inaugural year of the Act!onHeat training programme delved into foundational aspects of heating and cooling planning. The first session, "Strategic Heating and Cooling Planning - from vision to engagement," emphasised the importance of visionary planning alongside community engagement for effective implementation. Following this, "Data as a Key Driver in Your Decision-Making Process" illustrated the critical role of data analytics in informed decision-making. Finally, "Digital Tools for Unlocking Thermal Potentials" demonstrated the power of technology in harnessing thermal resources efficiently.

2023: Navigating Challenges

The 2023 series tackled pressing issues head-on. "Facing Energy Emergency in Europe: No-Regret Measures in Heating as a Key Factor" addressed proactive measures for mitigating energy crises, with heating planning as a focal point. Subsequently, "Creating Technical Zones and Scenarios with Online Tools" explored the use of online tools to delineate technical strategies and scenarios for effective planning. Lastly, "Building H&C Transition Strategy in Your City" emphasised the need for cohesive transition strategies tailored to urban landscapes.

2024: Paving the Way Forward

The 2024 webinars shifted focus towards actionable strategies and future outlooks. "From Plan to Roll-Out: Identifying H&C Measures in Europe" honed in on identifying and implementing heating and cooling measures across Europe. Following this, "Optimising the Design of District Heating and Cooling Networks" looked at optimising the design and functionality of these networks for maximum efficiency. Finally, "A Look at the Future of Heating and Cooling in Europe" showcased innovative work already being done across the continent.

Conclusion: Towards a Sustainable Future

The Act!onHeat training programme has fostered collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovative solutions to address the complex challenges of heating and cooling in Europe. Through its series of webinars, it has empowered stakeholders with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to navigate the transition towards sustainable heating and cooling systems. As we look ahead, the lessons learned and connections forged through Act!onHeat will continue to drive progress towards a greener, more resilient future for heating and cooling in Europe.

All sessions were recorded, and can be accessed  in the resources section of the Act!onHeat website.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.