That’s a wrap for the 2023 season of the Act!onHeat Training Programme

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The EU-funded Act!onHeat Training Programme on heating and cooling (H&C) has successfully closed its 2023 season. Over the course of three one-hour webinars, the Training Programme, geared towards all local energy planners, explored the use of digital tools as accelerating instruments for a faster, more efficient, and more cost effective means to develop and implement thermal projects. This season, built on the well-established software Hotmaps and THERMOS, focused on how zoning and scenario creation leads to the development of a successful H&C transition strategy. 

The first out of the three online sessions focused on the current energy crisis in Europe and how heating planning in municipalities play a key role in overcoming this emergency. In the second webinar, the programme continued by introducing the free online tool Hotmaps and the basic functionalities of THERMOS.

The final session then jumped into building up a viable H&C transition strategy for in local authorities. Based on having all the information and digital tools presented, Aadit Malla (TU Wien) showcased different existing plans from European cities.

Within the webinar, attendees were also able to hear from Act!onHeat Support Facility participants LEA Hessen (Germany) and Zelzate (Belgium) & Sas van Gent (The Netherlands), on their experience building their H&C strategic plans with advice and tools provided by the Facility.

Heike Böhler from LEA Hessen, the energy consultant agency of Hessen (Germany), stated, “We began working together with Act!onHeat this summer via a workshop with Hessen municipalities interested in developing a local heating plan. Act!onHeat representatives provided their expertise to the municipalities, giving them a starting point and orientation in their planning.”

Els Devilder of the municipality of Zelzate (Belgium), alongside Aljoscha Pollmann from Fraunhofer ISI, an Act!onHeat project partner, then presented on their own experience with the Facility, specifically on using the THERMOS tool. Pollmann explained how by using the digital tool the municpality discovered the financial and technical feasibility of various heating approaches in the region. The case study concluded with a best approach scenario on how Zelzate can heat the highest total number of connected buildings, while still being financial feasible.

While this season of Training Programme has come to an end, Act!onHeat has much more to offer for all energy planners: a Call for Application for its Support Facility will re-open this May! The Facility provides free individual support for municipalities to start, complete or improve upon their strategic H&C planning. Learn more about the opportunity and stay tuned here.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.