The next season of the Act!onHeat Training programme begins in March 2024

The new season of the EU-funded Act!onHeat Training Programme will launch in March 2024. The programme is designed for staff from energy agencies, regional and local governments, and experts interested in the process of strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning. It explores the use of digital tools as accelerating instruments for a faster, more efficient, and more cost effective means to develop and implement thermal projects. The programme is free and builds on the well established THERMOS. This season of the programme will move forward from planning to roll out, identifying measures and developing pre-feasibility studies for heating and cooling projects.
- Session 1: From plan to roll out: identifying H&C measures in Europe. The first out of three online sessions of the Act!onHeat Training Programme will focus on moving from Heating & Cooling Plans to identifying specific actions for the roll out of these plans. The policy framework of each country and municipality can vary and define which will be the most effective actions in each case. During this session, we will hear from two experts coming from different countries who will explain how H&C measures are adopted in their contexts and how they differ from each other. (7 March 2024 // 14:00 CET)
- Session 2: Optimising the Design of District Heating and Cooling Networks. (4 April 2024 // 11:00 CET)
- Session 3: A Look at the Future of Heating & Cooling in Europe. (25 April // 11:00 CET)
All sessions are organised by the European Secretariat of ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, with contributions from leading thermal experts across Europe namely from Fraunhofer ISI, CREARA, CSE, TU Vienna and e-THINK.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.