The Act!onHeat Training Programme is underway

Last week, the Act!onHeat Training Programme continued with its second online session. The session explored different approaches of effective data gathering from national and local sources in order to create a robust heat inventory for strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning and decision-making processes. In doing so, it showcased the use of the open access online tool called Hotmaps for identifying H&C demands and availability of renewable energy sources and excess heat potentials anywhere across the EU.
The session opened with Lukas Kranzl (TU Wien) analysing heating and cooling demands and renewable potentials via Hotmaps. Through a live demonstration, he laid out how energy planners can use the online tool in their H&C planning: by visualizing and analysing data, further analysing single parts of the H&C system, developing strategies, and performing analysis at different geographic levels.
Aadit Malla (TU Wien) continued the exhibition of Hotmaps by highlighting methods and best practices in the acquisition of local and regional data for inventory analysis of H&C planning. By analysing the current state of the heat demand and supply in Hotmaps, he presented how the online tool can support cities in: quantitative analyses of future H&C systems; an overview of the supply, demand, and existing infrastructure; identifying cross-sectoral opportunities and stakeholder willingness for collaboration; and Risk Assessment.
The third and final session of the Training Programme, taking place on 6 April at 10:00 CET, will go deeper into these topics by exploring digital tools as an essential instrument for accelerating and improving the process of strategic H&C planning. This time around, energy experts will introduce participants to the open-source online software THERMOS, which enables address-level heat network planning. As such, the experts will outline how Hotmaps and THERMOS can aid in a faster, more efficient, and more cost effective implementation of thermal projects.
Register for the third session here.
Check out the second session’s recording and full presentations here.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.