Act!onHeat is on its way to supporting 120 European municipalities in their energy transition

Sigmund Unsplash

While Europe aims to decarbonise by 2050, today only about one quarter of its heating and cooling needs come from renewable energy. Thus to become a carbon-neutral continent, rapid and significant infrastructural changes are needed to simultaneously decrease dependency on fossil fuels and increase the share of renewable energy systematically across Europe. 

To prepare for this energy transition, the Act!onHeat project has opened a Support Facility to assist local energy planners in establishing their DHC infrastructure, including clustered advice on planning, pre-feasibility and finance as well as exclusive access to the H&C software Hotmaps and THERMOS

While the  Support Facility is now up and running, all local energy planners still  interested in receiving direct support on their DHC planning are welcome to apply until 15 June 2022Simply fill in the Expression of Interest form with basic details, if there is an initial match, you will be contacted on the next steps. 

To materialize the project’s reach, Act!onHeat has also been hitting the road! In the past month - from the ICLEI World Congress in Mälmo to DecarbCties in Vienna - Act!onHeat has engaged with diverse stakeholders in the energy community, paving the way for the project to support 120 municipalities to start, continue or improve their strategic H&C planning.  At these events, the project has reached several city representatives, researchers, energy companies and other relevant actors committed to the decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector in their regions, and will continue to spread the word in our upcoming roadshow across Europe. 

Find us at our next event, stay tuned here. More information on the Support Facility and how to apply can be found here.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.