The 2023 Act!onHeat Training Programme has begun

The 2023 season of the Act!onHeat Training Programme has successfully taken off. This week, participants from energy agencies, regional and local governments, and experts in the field came together in the first out of three webinars. The first session focused on the current energy crisis in Europe and how heating planning in municipalities will play a key role in overcoming this emergency.
Project Coordinator Ali Aydemir (Fraunhofer ISI) opened the hour by breaking down how the Act!onHeat project is already working with local authorities in helping them to advance in their strategic energy-planning journey and face the energy crisis. In doing so, he showcased two Support Facility participants, LEA Hessen Landes Energie Agentur and the Zelzate town in Belgium, explaining how the project has provided them with knowledge, tools, and resources for their energy transition journey. See his full presentation here.
Participants then heard from Andrea Voigt (Head of Global Public Affairs & Communication, Danfoss Climate Solutions) about the importance of heating and the integration of planning for no-regret measures. In providing a business perspective, she stated that energy efficiency needs to be embedded in the energy system, including the integration of energy sources and sectors. With three steps taking priority: reducing energy, reusing energy and sourcing green energy. Review her full presentation here.
Iztok Mori (Velenje Muncipality) continued the discussion by looking at the interlinkages between district heating and the energy crisis via a municipal perspective. In facing this crisis, he explained how “new solutions will be the most optimal in terms of technology, price, and stability.” See the his breakdown of the Velenje case here.
Interested to dive deeper into these topics? Check out the session recording and full presentations here.
Ready for more? The second session of the Training Programme will take place on 1 March at 10:00-11:00 CET and will introduce the free online tool Hotmaps and the basic functionalities of THERMOS.
Register and learn more about the next sessions here.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101033706. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the Act!onHeat project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.